25 MAY 1912, Page 15


"SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The writer of the article " The Beginning and End of Love" in last week's Spectator, referring to the account of a survivor—Dillon—of the sinking of the Titanic,' quotes him as stating that the only articulate cry he heard from those drowning was one of "Mother! mother ! " Whilst we were hurrying on with the loading of a large coasting collier here late on the Christmas Eve of two years ago a member of the crew in going aboard fell from the gangway into the dock. He was rescued with difficulty, and when finally hauled up on to the quay of the coal hoist was unconscious and apparently dead. However, after long and persistent effort animation was slowly restored. After two or three painful gasps for breath, he murmured, " Mother 1 mother " and this was all we heard him say until we passed him aboard, still but half-conscious, a quarter of an hour later. He was a young fellow of about 26, in the prime of physical manhood, and made a thorough recovery in a short time. I have also heard the same instinc- tire and pathetic cry in Welsh of " Main main 1" from young colliers, badly injured in the mine, when being carried home. Those who have seen the mother receive her injured boy at the home and witnessed the stern restraint of her own feelings whilst all arrangements were being made by herself and other neighbour mothers for the least painful handling of the maimed body do not worry themselves as to what any female " ism" is going to do. " Mother 1 mother !" has always ruled the real world, and always will.—I am, Sir, &c.,