25 MAY 1912, Page 15


[To VII EDITOR 07 Till "SPECTATOIL."] SIR,—I was much interested in reading an article on egg. production published in your last issue. The writer stated that 120.130 eggs per annum laid by one hen was highly satisfactory. For the encouragement of amateur poultry- keepers I write to say that the plot of ground allotted to my hens is 44ft. by 44ft., and is divided into two parts so as to give the birds a change of run every two months. In the year 1910 twelve hens produced 1,611 eggs, being an average of about 134 for each hen. Of these two Buff Orpingtona laid respectively 148 and 146 eggs and two Andalusians 148 and 141 eggs. In 1911 fourteen hens laid 1,444 eggs, an average of 103 for each hen. Of these the highest number, 157, were laid by an Andalusian and 147 by a Faverolle.—I am, Sir, &c., R. M. MERRYWEATHER. 15 St. Paul's Street, Southport.