25 MAY 1912, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPROTATOE.".1 Sin,—In your issue of May 4th, in your correspondence columns, notice is drawn to the fact that the swallow has disappeared almost entirely from countries in the North where it at one time used to abound. Whether the reason given in your correspondent's letter and communication be correct or not one cannot say. Partially it may be ; but there is a much more serious reason, and that is the wholesale way in which the Italians kill by eleotrio wires these birds upon their entrance into their country en route for the South, and vice versa. Tired with their long flight they alight on these wires, when they are electrocuted and fall down dead. Such question as their destruction should be made an international question, and a stop should be put to this wholesale massacre. The swallow is the only bird that lives upon the wing, and keeps down the fly pest (more especially mosquito), and is therefore man's greatest friend ; for malaria has been undoubtedly traced to the mosquito. And if those in authority amongst our rulers would exercise their influence with the Italian Government no doubt this evil would be remedied.—In the hope that this notice may draw their attention to the fact and to act accordingly, I am, Sir, &c., D. COOPER-HUNT, British Chaplain at Bex.

Grand .716tel de Beal, Bea-lea-Bains.