25 MAY 1912, Page 14


[To TES EDITOR OP THE " SPUTATOR.1 Sin,—After reading the article in your issue of May 11th on "Criminal Law Amendment (White Slave Traffic)," in which you advocate so strongly the work done by the T.A.S. and the G.F.S., I feel a short description of a scheme now being organized by the latter for the safe housing of workers in and passers through London may more than in- terest some of your many readers. A company has been formed for the purpose of building and carrying on an establishment in Westminster which shall serve the purposes of a London Diocesan G.F.S. Lodge for the accommodation of associates and members of the society, and shall also provide a residential club and other requirements for women and girls with good recommendations living in, or staying in, or passing through London. According to the estimates drawn up by the architect, Mr. Stephen Ayling, F.R.I.B.A., it was con- sidered that the sum of £14,000 would be required to build, furnish, and thoroughly equip the lodge, and that a capital of £15,000 must be raised, divided into 15,000 shares of £1 emelt A prospectus, giving all details, was issued on February 9th, and as over £11,000 has already been raised in shares the directors of the company feel they are justified in securing a good site which has been offered and in making a start. Full particulars of the scheme and prospectuses may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, Miss Magee, G.F.S. Diocesan Office, 22 Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, Diocesan Head of Lodges in London. 75 St, George's Road, S.W.