25 MAY 1912, Page 24

Mayhew's Who's Who in Finance (Parliamentary Section). Compiled by Alfred

Mayhew. (The Compiler: 4 Pall Mall Place, London. 25s. not.)—Colonel Mayhew has put together a list of tho directorships held by various members of Parliament. The list contains 277 names ; from this, however, a deduction should be made for names of members who have held directorships but have resigned them. One gentleman, whose name wo will not give, holds, or has held, thirty-nine directorships. Eleven are described as "paying no dividend " and eighteen as "liquidated." Some are described as "private companies "; of others it is said " No shares issued"; two only are described as "paying dividends." Another, who also shall be nameless, has forty-aim under his name. Twenty-two of these pay dividends, or have been absorbed by companies which pay. A third has had ton ventures, the results of which may bo given : "No results so far " ; "no business done so far " ; "no results so far "; "did not go to allotment " ; "no results so far " ; " suggestion made that Committee of Investi- gation be appointed" ; " no results so far" ; ditto; "pays. dividends " ; "subscriptions returned."