26 MAY 1928, Page 13


This was the question we dismissed at the cattle ring while the judges ranged the Jerseys in order. The farmer had just beard that his fruit and potatoes had suffered from seven degrees of frost ; but, without depression, he made a proud, prophetic boast : " Within the next three or four years I am going to discover a remedy against these frosts." He has been for some years accumulating information from scientific and technical experimenters in many parts of the world, especially North America. The Americans have recently devised a machine which looks something like a gramophone. The mouthpiece automatically revolves and breathes out hot air like the dragon in the picture books. In this country, according to recent trials by the Ministry of Agriculture and, less persistently, in experiments by private growers, hot air has not proved effective, and this Midland farmer, of scientific bent and training, believes the solution to lie elsewhere—in water, not in air.
