26 MAY 1928, page 17

Farmers, Rail Rates, And Foreign Food [to The Editor Of

.the Sescrivron.] Sin, — We are invited to believe that one reason why our agriculture declines whilst we eat more and more foreign food is- that the rail rates from farms . to......

• - Diet- In-11ie Navy - • [to The' Edithi. Of

thi Sr:EcrArOn.] Sat,—With reference to the letter recently published in the Bpikator on the subject of " Diet in the Navy," no thinking . ' naval officer will agree with your......

The Cost Of Empire Tours [to The Editor Of The.

SPECTATOR.] . SIRh-Y01.1 have recently -had more than one laudatory article or reference to- the Empire- tours of Premier and - Secretary of State, and. there is no question......

William The Conqueror's Mother [to .the Editor Of The...

Sra,—In an old farmyard near Honfleur, which now constitutes all that is left of the once famous abbey of Grestain, lie un- honoured the remains of Arlette, the mother of......

A Talking Raven [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Snr,—it

may be questioned whether Edgar Allen Poe's Raven ever flew into his study, and taking up its position on the top of a picture frame, pronounced the difficult word, " Never-......