26 MAY 1928, page 34

Imperial Chemicals.

Considerable interest attaches to the report which has just been published of the Imperial Chemical Industries, both on account of the magnitude nf the interests affected and by......

A Soimm Vmw.

In a short but admirable speech, constituting a reply on behalf of the staff to a resolution of thanks, Mr. Hugh Lewis, the General Manager—to whom the Chairman had paid a high......

The Profits Which Are Now Being Made By Some Of

the gramophone enterprises seem to savour almost of the romantic. In the case, for example, of the Vocalion Company, whose report was issued the other day, the profit for the......

Financial Notes

L.C.C. L SUCCESS. IT would be rather difficult to say whether the great rush for the London County Stock this , week must be regarded as demonstrating the - great volume of......

* * * * Insurance Progress.

The favourable impression produced by the annual report of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, to which I have referred previously in these columns, as......