26 MAY 1928, Page 34


Considerable interest attaches to the report which has just been published of the Imperial Chemical Industries, both on account of the magnitude nf the interests affected and by reason of the fact that it is the first report which has been issued. It is necessary, however, to remember that the concern is a " holding company," its assets consisting of investment of and loans to its subsidiaries, indeed, such assets and investments represent £66,000,000 out of a total capital of 169,000,000. The recorded profit for the first year is. £4,567,000, and after carrying £408,977 to general reserve and reserving £125,331 for Income Tax, the balance 'is absorbed by the Freference dividend, the 8 per cent. dividend on the Ordinary shares, and 1 per cent. on the Deferred, the amount remaining to be carried forward being £82,681. A. W. K.