26 MAY 1928, page 13

A Sheep-dog's Preference.

A sheep-dog of my acquaintance is becoming noted in the neighbourhood for a very charming preference, directed by a fine intelligence or gift of perception. He is good at his......

A Yellow England.

Let me quote another conversation in a very different place with another and more famous man of science and horticulturist with experience practical, adininistrative, and "......

A County's Self-defence.

Among the specially made " bye-laws for the good rule and government " of the county affixed outside the police station in " our village " appears the following :- " No person......

Water Or Air ?

Several effects of the water system have, of course, been known for a long time. If a leaf, even of a tender plant, is gloved by frost in a tissue of ice, it suffers no harm......

A Cure _for Frost.

This was the question we dismissed at the cattle ring while the judges ranged the Jerseys in order. The farmer had just beard that his fruit and potatoes had suffered from seven......

Country Life

THE THREE ICEMEN. At the edge of a ring, where some of his Jersey cattle were being judged, I met the manager of one of the most highly equipped of Midland farms. The date was......

Wanted—four Ploughmen !

On the same day of last week I read, in the London Press, that agricultural labourers had diminished at a greater rate than ever before, and in the local rural Press that there......