The Woodard Schools [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] -
SIR,—We desire to bring to the public . notice and to endorse an appeal for £80,000 which is being made on behalf of the Woodard Schools in the West of England. • - These......
Lighter Lyrics
A Reply (From one trout-fisher to another.) IT would have been jolly— The Mayfly is up You say, in full folly, Where cloud and kingcup, And chestnutty candles Light Kennet......
Up Or Down /
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In Saint James's Churchyard, Hyde Park-on-the- Hudson, New York, there is a quaint tombstone on which is cut :— " Stranger, stop and cast......
The University Of London Animal Welfare Society [to The...
of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—May I be allowed to bring to the notice of readers of the Spectator a meeting which is to be held by the University of London Animal Welfare Society at......
The Noise Of Cities [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]
SIR,—The noise of our cities is increasing year by year. The distracting din on our heavily laden roads, especially on the more important highways in our large cities, is a very......
The Distress In Bulgaria
WE have received an appeal, signed by a number of well-known people, for funds to relieve the widespread distress in Bulgaria caused by the recent earthquakes. A correspondent......