26 MAY 1928, page 29

In Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards (oxford University...

de Madariaga points out that " the natural reaction towards life in each of these three peoples is : for the Englishman, action ; for the Frenchman, thought ; for the Spaniard,......

The Latest - Volume In Sir Janies-marchant's Useful "...

Series " on the several Departments of State is also one of the best. Sir Hubert Llewellyn Smith, who was long its Oficial head, was peculiarly welt-qualified to write on The......

A Pathetic And A Unique Interest Attaches To Oude In

1857 (Williams and Norgate, 5s.), for its author, • now in his ninety-fourth year, is the last surviving officer of those who took part in Lawrence's defence of Lucknow. Colonel......

Motors And Motoring

Wrrn the steadily increasing number of motor vehicles using the roads throughout the country safety assumes more and more importance. Much has been done during the last two......

The Shakespeare Review Is A New Monthly Published At Ls.

from 9 Union Street, Stratford-on-Avon, with Mr. A. K. Chesterton as editor. Mr. G. K. Chesterton contributes a gay article on Shakespeare and Shaw. There is a pleasant "......

Mr. H. B. Creswell, The Novelist, Has Newly Become A

writer for children, and he is to be congratulated on Marytary (Oxford Press, 5s.). It is, as it should be, the story of a little boy and a little girl. Mr. Creswell holds the......

The First Great Gift Of The Essayist Is To See

familiar things through fresh eyes, and the second is to allow his readers to share in his discoveries and enthusiasms. That Mr. Robert Lynd possesses both these faculties may......

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The keynote of Mr. G. Willoughby Meade's fascinating Chinese Ghouls and Goblins (Constable, 24s.) is to be found in this saving of Confucius : " How abundantly do spiritual......

General Knowledge Questions

OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss G. Macintosh, The Rectory, Kinross, Scotland, for the following :-......