General Knowledge Questions
OUR weekly prize of one guinea for the best thirteen Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss G. Macintosh, The Rectory, Kinross, Scotland, for the following :- Questions on the British Empire
1. Which is the smallest self-governed Dominion of the British Empire ?
2. Who were the original inhabitants of Tasmania ?
3. How did the Orkney and Shetland Islands become part of the British Empire ? 4. Who was the first Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia ?
5. What was Nova Scotia first named ?
6. Who discovered New Zealand ?
7. What Viceroy of India was assassinated by a convict ?
8. Why was Natal so called ?
9. Who were probably the first European settlers in Canada ?
10. What British possession is the only part of Europe where a species of monkey is found ?
11. When was the last French attack on the Clutnnel Islands t 12. Where is the oldest university in the Empire, outside the British Isles ?
13. What was the former name of Australia ?
Answers will be found on page 810.