26 MAY 1928, page 26

Tales From Greenery Street. By Denis Mackail. (heinemann....

willingly return to Greenery Street, and call at sever* houses of the newly wed, over- hearing their absurd and deleetabfe dialogues, considering their babies, their domestic......

More Books Of The Week

(Continued from page 769.) Anyone who has watched the sheldrake, the handsomest and most proud of carriage of any of the duck family, walk statelily out of its burrow across the......

The Four Tragedies Of Memworth : A Detec; Tive Story.

By Lord Ernest Hamilton. (Gollancz. 7s. 6d.)— Here is a succession of really exciting incidents and an un- expected conclusion which leaves the reader guessing. The Prologue......

On August 31st, 1915, Tala'at Bey Informed His German Allies

that " La question armenienne n'existe plus." Why it did not exist, the callous attitude of Europe and America towards the whole bloodstained tragedy, can be read in Dr.......

Brighton Beach. By Mrs. Henry Dudeney. (collins. 7s....

cryptic announcement in her preface that after certain episodes the story moves backwards is calculated to puzzle the reader ; but the puzzlement will be as nothing to his......

Trevy The River. By Leslie Reid. (dent. 7s. 6d.)— There

is always a fantastic element in Mr. Leslie Reid's novels, and in Trevy the River this quality runs perhaps a little to seed. There is more than a suggestion that the soul of......

Paper Money. By George Blake. (constable. 7s. 6d.)...

not lacked its romantic interpreters. But in Mr. Blake it has at last found its realist. Mr. Blake's latest novel fulfils the promise of Young Malcolm. The hem is Matthew Faed,......

The Shakespeare Review Is A New Monthly Published At Ls.

from 9 Union Street, Stratford-on-Avon, with Mr. A. K. Chesterton as editor. Mr. G. K. Chesterton contributes a gay article on Shakespeare and Shaw. There is a pleasant "......

A Long Time Has Passed Since Mr. Rudyard Kipling And

Mr. Thompson Seton demonstrated the fact that wild animals are able to express their thoughts in remunerative English, and now here they are doing it again in African Jungle......