Country Life
At the edge of a ring, where some of his Jersey cattle were being judged, I met the manager of one of the most highly equipped of Midland farms. The date was immediately after " the Festival of the three Icemen "—Pancratias, Servatius, and Bonifacius, whose festival's are recorded in the Calendar of Saints on May 12th, 13th and 14th. According to popular opinion in South Germany and Austria; they are cruel enough to bring the most disastrous weather of. the year. The frosts of this date or thereabouts come with strange regularity . in England too, and are perhaps the most disastrous event in our horticultural calendar. If we could find adequate defence for fruit and potatoes for a period of three weeks at most our horticulturists and market gardeners would be many thousand pounds to the good each year. Can we find it ?