26 MAY 1928, Page 17

THE COST OF EMPIRE TOURS [To the Editor of the.


SIRh-Y01.1 have recently -had more than one laudatory article or reference to- the Empire- tours of Premier and- Secretary of State, and. there is no question that these-same must derive great benefit from them. There is one feature of them; however, that .1--have not seen touched on and that

is-their-cost. - - •

- In these days of economy- the -civil budget is still far.too high andshows -the least reduction of any. If we must-spend this money let us be sure we are getting the- best value we can for it. Now all the high officials who have toured are temporary political holders of their offices. With a change of Government they are no longer in a position to bring the experience they-have gained by these tours to the help of a department.

Would it not be very much better if the permanent Under Secretaries and other officials made these tours ? Then they would have the knowledge stored up for the use of whatever party is in power.—I am, Sir, &e.,

..[We fully.appreciate the need for .economy, but nevertheless we, think the small sum spent by the Secretary of State for the Dominions is money well spent. When a change of Government takes place we hope Mr. Amery's successor will follow his predecessor's example.—En. Spectator.]