Some Books of the Week nuinig . t.6 past month the bOoks
most in demand at the Times Book Club have been .
FicTiox.Octavia, by the Countess of Oxford and Asquith ; Brook Evans, by Susan Glaspell ; The Battle of the Horizons, by Sylvia Thompson ; The English Miss, by .R. H. Mottram ; Jazz and Jasper,. by William Gerhardi ; The Footsteps at the Lock, by Ronald A. Knox; But Gentlemen Marry Brunettes, by Anita Loos ; War Among Ladies, by Eleanor Scott ; The Greene Murder Case, by S. S. van Dine.
Now-FICTION:The Rise of the House of Rothschild, by Count Corti ; Our Inheritance, by the Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin ; Powers and Pillars, by Rudolf Kircher ; All Alone : the. Life and Private. History of Emily Jane Bronte, by Romer Wilson ; Adventure, by Rosita Forbes ; Green Memories, by Bernard. Darwin ; Ort the Stage : an Autobiography, by
George Arliss.