The latest act of Japan may have a profound effect
upon events in China and, however undesignedly, upon the whole character of her own foreign policy. She has sent to the Peking and Nanking Governments a warning in these words : " Should the disturbances develop further in the direction of Peking and Tientsin and the situation become so menacing as to threaten the peace and order of Manchuria, the Japanese Government, on their part, may be constrained to take appropriate and effective steps for the maintenance of peace acid order in Man- churia." The Japanese Government, it is added, will remain strictly neutral in regard to the rival armies in the Chinese civil war. Neutrality, however sincere an attempt may be made to preserve it, may not be possible. - The civil war may flow all -round the places where Japan has " special interests." Manchuria is faced by the possibility of an' inrush of undikipliried 'Or disOrga$iied -Chinese soldiers. • " • * * *