26 MAY 1928, Page 3

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• On Tuesday it was announced in Manchester that the Federation of Master Cotton Spinners' Associations and the Cotton Spinners' and Manufacturers' Association had not cast a majority of votes for declaring a lock-out in order to reduce wages. The Federation stated that the idea of a lock-out had therefore been abandoned. The Association made no official statement, but it may be taken that they, too, for the time being at all events, have dropped the policy of trying to force a reduction. All this is a ray of light in the gloom of Lancashire. The cotton industry, after all, is not going to be false to its .

past and take up arms while there remains the remotest possibility of peace. It would have been lamentable indeed if Lancashire, which prides itself on its forethought and long-sightedness, fell out of the general industrial movement towards regular conciliation.