It is worth noticing that this was the - second occasion
Within a few weeks on which the rank and file of -the House have successfully held' a-pistol to the head of the Government. The first instance was the revolt -against the duty on paraffin. It can -hardly be said any longer that the function of a--private member is merely -to act - as an automatic voter for the Government when within such a-short space we have two instances of back-benchers con- spiring together to make-their will prevail-and triumphing ,promptly and completely. The tribunal of inquiry is admirably composed of Sir John Eldon Bankes, Mr. Withers and Mr. Lees Smith. Sir William Joynson- , Hicks showed that reflection had fully convinced him that at no stage would it be fair to have an inquiry that could in effect reopen the, charge against Sir Leo Money. We feel, however, that there is need for a general inquiry into the relations Of. the police and the public, in so far ' they are not covered by the Macmillan inquiry.
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