26 MAY 1928, Page 30


As tlie result of representations made by the Automobile Association to the Belgian authorities responsible for running the Dover-Ostend services, a new tariff showing reduced rates for the conveyance of motor cars has now been adopted. The most noticeable feature of this tariff is the advantage gained by owners of small family cars with wheelbases of about 9 feet, on which the freight charges have been consider- ably lowered. For example, a popular open four-seater with wheelbase 8 ft. 6 in., which cost £4 5s. 7d. for the single journey under the old tariff, is now conveyed for 13 4s. 3d. The new tariff for accompanied motor cars is as under :—

OPEN Chats. Wheelbase not

CLOSED CARS. Wheelbase not exceeding s. d.


£ s. d.

7 ft. 6 m. .. 2 18 10

7-ft. 6 in.

2 18 10 8 ft. 6 in. .. 3 4 3

• •

8 ft. 8 in. • . 3 10 8 9ft. 0 in. ..

9 ft. 6 in. .. 3 4 16 6 2 5

9 ft. 0 in. - 9-ft. 6 in. 4 2 5

-4 14 2

10 ft. 0 in. .. 4 7 1

10 ft. 0-in:

.5 5 11

10 ft. 6 in.. 4 11 3

5'17 8 13 ft. 1 in. .. 5 5 11

13 ft. tin.

6, 9 5

Full particulars of the special Customs facilities available to motorists entering Belgium and Crossing the fronffers of other countries may be 'had on -application to:the Autnmobile Association.