27 AUGUST 1904, Page 16

SIR,—In the Spectator of August 13th occurs a review of

Mr. Horace G. Hutchinson's work on " Fishing," wherein it is stated that "Mr. A. Jardine gives the necessary instructions about tackle and method" (pike fishing). " He does the same for the perch, also a desirable fish, though it never runs to any great size. It may be doubted whether any living person has caught a perch of 5 lb." Two years ago, in a lake at Kopmannabro, Dalsland, Sweden, spinning with a • Carter's " wagtail," I killed a perch weighing slightly over 5:i lb., and I know instances where perch of from 6 lb. to 8 lb. have been taken in lakes in the province of Sodermanland. The flesh of this fish bred in these pure waters is excellent eating; indeed, when properly stewed in milk, butter, and finely chopped parsley I know of no better flavoured fresh-water