27 AUGUST 1904, page 15

Cottages In Many Country Districts. It Must, However, Be...

bered that an owner cannot be expected to build cottages without the prospect of getting some slight return on his outlay; and it is very difficult to get a weekly rent which......

Sir, —i Have Read With Interest Mr. Carslake Thompson's...

in the Spectator of August 13th. I earnestly trust that, in the consideration of what Governments may here- after do, no one will lose the opportunity of himself aiding to the......

Sir, — It Is Certainly Not Fair To Call The English Bishops

"indifferent and timid" (Spectator, August 20th, p. 248) because they did not consecrate Dr. Seabury as Bishop of Connecticut in 1783. The facts are these. Dr. Seabury was......

Miss Cochrane Is Well Known As A Hard Worker In

a cause that badly needs a hundred like her. She describes in her letter the miserable conditions of rural life that prevail in all villages which are not exceptionally......