By Far The Most Common Instance Of A Trust Is
where a definite sum of money, or certain definite funds, are bequeathed by a testator for behoof of certain persons, on conditions clearly specified. Very common, also, are......
As Often As Not They Are Personal Friends Of The
lord of the manor, near neighbours, or living on his property, knowing or hearing about his reduced income and the burden of his unlet farms. In these circumstances, it is......
Cottages In Many Country Districts. It Must, However, Be...
bered that an owner cannot be expected to build cottages without the prospect of getting some slight return on his outlay; and it is very difficult to get a weekly rent which......
Sir,—" The Housing Difficulty Is Worse In The Country Than
in the towns." So said a friend of mine who is a house agent at Guildford ; and told me how he had had a working man come to him with tears in his eyes, unable to find a cottage......
Venture To Hope That You May Think The Following Quotation
appropriate to the present condition of things brought about by the Free Church of Scotland. You may remember that it served Carlyle as a motto for his history of the French......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."' Sir,—the London...
one of our Belfast news- papers writes : " The Imperial Tariff Reform Committee last night issued for circulation throughout the length and breadth of the country some......
Sts,—i Am One Of The Younger Men Of The United
Free Church, or was till I left Edinburgh some time ago. I have been able to take an intelligent adult interest in the affairs of that great and 'scholarly Church for the last......
Sir,—one Of The Mistakes Being Made In England In Judging
the Scottish Church case is that of supposing that the union of the Free and United Presbyterian Churches had the full consent of the congregations. In an article in the......