27 AUGUST 1904, page 1

Grave International Difficulty. The Taotai, Feeling...

China's neutrality, and being in fear that Japanese vessels might enter the harbour and resort to force, addressed communications to the thirteen Consuls in the port asking for......

The British Steamer Comedian ' Was Stopped On Sunday Last

off the South African coast between East London and Durban by a Russian cruiser which was supposed to be the Smolensk.' After examination of her papers, she was allowed to......

T He Only Certain News From The Far East Is That

the active little Russian cruiser the Novik ' will never reach Vladivostok. She was caught by two Japanese cruisers off the island of Saghalien, and after a sharp engagement, in......

The Newly Born Czarevitch Was Christened On Wednesday In The

church of the Peterhof Palace. The ceremonial was stately and brilliant, being attended by representatives of most of the great States of Europe, as well as all the greater......

The Governor Of Malta Has Issued A Proclamation In Which

he forbids absolutely the supply of coal " to any belligerent fleet proceeding to the seat of war, or to any position on the line of route with the object of intercepting......
