The Recent Development Of Physical Science. By W. C. D.
Whetham. (John Murray. Is. 6d. net.)—" In the following pages,' says Mr. Whetham in his introductory chapter, "an attempt will be made first to consider the philosophic......
A History Of Theatrical Art. By Karl Mantzius. Authorised...
by Louise von Cosset. Vol. III., " The Shake- spearean Period in England." (Duckworth and Co. 10s. net.)— This clear and accurate account of the Elizabethan stage will prove of......
Land And Sea Pieces : Poems. By Arthur E. J.
Legge. (John Lane. 3s. 6d. net.)—There are two poets at work within the boards of Mr. Legge's slim volume. One is a minor bard, with a gift of dainty versification on the......
National _strategy. By Viscount Esher, K.c.b. (arthur L....
Esher printed this pamphlet "for private circulation among those interested in the formation of a Secretariat to he Defence Committee." He has now consented to publish it, and......
The Natural History Of Cambridgeshire. Edited By J. E. Marr,
F.R.S., and A. E. Shipley, F.R.S. (Cambridge University Press. 4s. net.)—This volume is published contemporaneously with the Cambridge meeting of the British Association. The......
A Modern Journal : Being The Diary Of Greville Minor
for the Year of Agitation 1903-1904. Edited by J. A. Spender. (Methuen and Co. 6s.)—Mr. Spender's admirable wit and acute sense of every phase of political -feeling have enabled......
The Web Of Indian Life. By The Sister Nivedita (margaret
Noble). (W. Heinemann. 7s. 6d.)—The writer of this volume keeps herself, for the most part, out of the range of the ordinary understanding. When she cries, for instance, "Oh,......