27 AUGUST 1904, page 13

By Far The Most Common Instance Of A Trust Is

where a definite sum of money, or certain definite funds, are bequeathed by a testator for behoof of certain persons, on conditions clearly specified. Very common, also, are......

English As Spoken In Ireland.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—In the first letter on this subject (Spectator, April 25th, 1903) an instance was given of poetic imagination in the case of a poor......

The Conflict In The Scotch Churches.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, —Mr. Thomas Hodgkin's letter in your last issue might surely have received gentle correction at the bands of "Ed. Spectator." One can......

Sir, —you Are Correct In Your View Of This Case. As

you tersely put it, the United Free Church has been denuded of all its property because it presumed to think. Almost uni- versally—with the exception of the Scotsman, whose......