Mr. Taggart Is In His Way An Even More Romantic
figure. A penniless Irishman, he started as assistant at a railway refreshment counter at Indianapolis, where be subsequently became a hotel proprietor and Mayor. Although both......
Though The Deadlock Still Continues In The Scottish...
evidences are accumulating of a sincere and general desire to promote a modus vivendi. Thus it is stated that a large and influential body of United Free Churchmen, while......
Mr. Maurice Low, Writing In Tuesday's Morning Post,...
rapid and romantic rise to power and influence of Messrs. Cortelyou and Taggart, the chairmen of the Republican and Democratic Committees respectively. Mr. Cortelyou began life......
The British Mission Still Awaits At Lhasa The Signature Of
the Treaty. The Dalai Lama, who is either in a monastery "eight marches off," or has fled to Mongolia, makes no sign ; and the officials left behind have con- ceded nothing......
"gamble," But Of An Actual Shortage Of Supplies, Of Which
the more active dealers were aware. There is grave deficiency in the crops in the American Union, Canada, Russia, and Great Britain. There would be a considerable rise in prices......
It Is Officially Announced That Sir Edmond Monson Will Be
succeeded as Ambassador at Paris by the Hon. Sir Francis Bertie, now Ambassador at Rome. Sir Francis Bertie's career has been an educating one—he was, for example, Assistant......
The Newly Born Czarevitch Was Christened On Wednesday In The
church of the Peterhof Palace. The ceremonial was stately and brilliant, being attended by representatives of most of the great States of Europe, as well as all the greater......
The Opposition In France, Which Includes The Monarchists,...
and all who are jealous of the party in power, are greatly delighted by a split which they think is approaching among the Socialists. The fanatics of that party, as we have......