27 AUGUST 1904, Page 22

The Byways of Braithe. By Frances Powell. (Harper and Brothers.

6s.)—While many of the books which come before us are so distinctively American that they could not possibly have been written in any other country in the world, the reader has constantly to remind himself that the scene of The Byways of Braithe lies across the Atlantic. As Braithe House is supposed to be the exact copy of a family house in England, prophecies, secret passages, ghosts, and all, it is not surprising that a truly British flavour of " old manor-house " should hang about the story. The Braithes of Braithe seem to have been such extremely unpleasant people that it was a thousand pities they were allowed to transport their wickedness to another continent. The record of the last heiress of the name, however, makes rather entertaining reading of the " Christmas- story " type.