" SPECTATOR."3 Sist,In connexion with the powerful appeal recently published in the Times on the question of Social Service, signed by the Lord Mayor and others, your readers may be interested to know that this subject was discussed at the last meeting of the London Diocesan Conference, and that, a resolution was passed urging all members of the Church of England in London to take an active and sustained interest in the work -of Councils of Social Service where such already exist, and the formation of such Councils where none now exist. One of the considera- tions urged in favour of a motion which was carried at a subsequent meeting of the Standing Committee of the Con- ference was the fact that, by -taking part in such work, members of different denominations are brought into contact with each other, and that co-operation is established which would be absent but for the machinery provided by Councils of Social Service. It is hoped that all denominations will help in this movement, so that we may pull together in establishing the principle so admirably put by the signatories of the letter I have alluded to, that everyone in a position to -do so should give some of his or her time to the service of others; and that these efforts should be so co-ordinated as to avoid waste either of effort or of money.—I am, Sir, &c., A. B. CODRINOTON, Lieut.-General, Chairman of the City of Westminster Council of Social Service. 110 Eaton Square.