The " Protocols."
(To THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR."I Sia,—When the Protocols first appeared in English it was pointed out that they embodied a forgery perpetrated by the Tsar's police with the......
(to The Editor Or Thii " Spectator."] Sat,—your Article On
Lord Esher's " appreciation " of Lord Kitchener recalls an effort which was made to take advantage by.voluntary registration of the wave of patriotic enthusiasm which surged......
Lord Kitchener.
fTo THE EDITOR or THE " SEECIATOR."] BIR, — In the first issue of the Spectator after Lord Kitchener's death you said that a sense of personal loss had suddenly visited all......
Some Elementary Economics.
[To THE EDITOR OT Pas " SPECTATOR. "] Sue,—In your issue of August 6th you published a short article which indicated some current illusions, but, and a very big but, the......