27 AUGUST 1921, page 25

English Metrig13. By T. S. Omond. (clarendon Press. 103. 6d.

not.)—A Study of Metre. Same author. (The De La More Press. 7s. 6d. net.)—There is a perennial fascination about the study of the architecture of language, and Mr. Omond, in the......

The Beloved Ego : Foundations Of The New Study Of

the Psyche. By Wilhelm Stekel, M.D. Authorized translation by Rosalie Gabler. (Began Paul. 6s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Stekel is a Viennese, and more or less a disciple of the Viennese......

The Statesman's Year-book, 1921. Edited By Sir John Scott...

and M. Epstein. (Macmillan. 20s. net.)—The fifty-eighth issue of this excellent and invaluable book of reference is somewhat late this year, but it is astonishingly complete and......

Fragments From Heloise And Abilard. By George Moore....

for subscribers.)—Mr. Moore has no doubt appreciated that dissatisfaction with his work which is synonymous with a sense of good craftsmanship, since he publishes so soon a......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The Round Table for September has an interesting article on the Imperial Conference and an account of......

Queen Anne's Bounty. By W. R. Le Fanu. (macmillan.)–• The

Secretary and Treasurer of Queen Anne's Bounty has written a lucid and interesting account of the history and the work of that ancient corporation. It was founded in 1704 by......

The Poems Of Edward De Pere, Seventeenth Earl Of Oxford.

By J. Thomas Looney. (Shakespeare Edition.) (Cecil Palmer. 7s. net.)—To William Stanley, sixth Earl of Derby ; to Roger, fifth Earl of Rutland; to Chettle, Heywood, and......