27 AUGUST 1921, page 14

The " Protocols."

(To THE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR."I Sia,—When the Protocols first appeared in English it was pointed out that they embodied a forgery perpetrated by the Tsar's police with the......

London Councils Of Social Service. [to The Editor Op The

" SPECTATOR."3 Sist,In connexion with the powerful appeal recently published in the Times on the question of Social Service, signed by the Lord Mayor and others, your readers......

Return Of Overpaid Income Tax.

[To TEE EDITOR 07 TEL " Sywrgyos."3 think you will agree with me that the way the public are kept waiting for a .return of their overpaid Income Tax is not the right way to......

The Girton Conference Of Modern Churchmen. [to Rim Einem Or

TM " fibteraeos."3 Suz,—In view of the public criticism which has been aroused by the publication of extracts from various papers read at the recent Conference of Modern......

" The Law Of Births And Dea.ttis."

[To sae EDITOR OP THE " eincearoa."1 SIR,— May I express my cordial appreciation of the candid and generous way in which Mr. Roche has acknowledged his mis- apprehension of the......