27 AUGUST 1921, page 23

Mr. J. H. Fowler's English Exercises, Part Il (macmillan,...

6d.), will assuredly be welcomed by all who know the first part. Mr. Fowler's plan is to give an extract, in prose or verse, from some eminent author, to ask questions about it,......


THE KEYSTONE.* Miss Wimeocas's latest novel is a serious as well as a distinguished piece of work. It is classical in form and slow- moving and deliberate in development, a.......

A Painter On Modern Architecture.* Very Disarmingly Did...

Fry open a recent address to the Royal Institute of British Architects at their own headquarters :— " I am come before you as a sheep to the slaughter, as a victim to the altar.......

A Short World-history, By Mr. E. M. Wilmot Buxton (methuen,

5s. net), is a readable outline by a practised hand. The author is careful to avoid detail, and his brief sketch, if elucidated by a competent teacher, would be highly......

New School-books.

A Short Social and Political History of Britain, by Mr. R. L. Mackie (Harrap, 4s. 6d. net), is intended for the use of children of twelve, and should, we think, interest them.......