27 AUGUST 1921, Page 23

A Short World-History, by Mr. E. M. Wilmot Buxton (Methuen,

5s. net), is a readable outline by a practised hand. The author is careful to avoid detail, and his brief sketch, if elucidated by a competent teacher, would be highly instructive.—For young readers we may commend Mr. J. B. Newman's The Beginners' Ancient History (Harrap, 2s. 3d. net), which deals lightly and pleasantly with world-history up to the year 1000, and is suitably illustrated.—Geography should always be taught in close relation to history. In Europe To-day, by Dr. J. F. Unstead (Sidgwick and Jackson, 4s. net), the physical and the political aspects of the subject are both judiciously treated. The changes effected by the war are clearly described, and there are some good sketch-maps and diagrams.