27 AUGUST 1921, page 24

Poets And Poetry.

SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE CHARACTERISTICS OF MODERN POETRY.—IV. WE have said that at the b3ginning of the modern poetic move- ment a good deal of hesitancy, of intellectual......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] The Round Table for September has an interesting article on the Imperial Conference and an account of......


THE KEYSTONE.* Miss Wimeocas's latest novel is a serious as well as a distinguished piece of work. It is classical in form and slow- moving and deliberate in development, a.......

Zell. By Henry G. Aikman. (jonathan Cape. 8s. 6d.)— Zell

is published as a specimen of what the publisher describes as The New American Literary Movement," and certainly there is a very arresting realism about this story of American......

Readable Novels. —the Dark Geraldine. By John Ferguson....

8s. 6d. net.)—A most exciting mystery story presumably founded on hidden treasure, but in the end even an intelligent reader will not be sure what the object was which was......