[to Ran Editor Or Thz Strctator."] Suz,-1 Can Corroborate...
that has been said in your columns about the Labour Ministry and Exchanges. During a con- siderable part of the war I was in the Civil Service. Naturally I thought the Labour......
[to Ran Editor Or Thz " Spectator."] Sia,—there Is One
point I do not see noticed by your corre- spondents who write about Labour Exchanges. If they are the best way to provide work for those who need it, why the enormous......
Labour Exchanges.
[To rue Enrroa or THE " SPECTATOR."] desire to endorse all you say about these positively useless Exchanges. I have gone to them over and over again, and have never had a single......
Letters To The Editor.
[Letters of the length of one of our leading paragraphs are often more read,and therefore more effective, than those which fill treble the space.] "JUSTICE FOR TLIE CIVIL......
Some Elementary Economics.
[To THE EDITOR OT Pas " SPECTATOR. "] Sue,—In your issue of August 6th you published a short article which indicated some current illusions, but, and a very big but, the......