27 AUGUST 1921, Page 15


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] Sue—If the Ministry of Health would inform county councils, urban district councils, &c., that they would only sanction the appointment of any health visitor who, in addition to her other qualifications, had worked as a practising district midwife for a minimum of three years, the whole community would benefit. (Existing health visitors to come under this ruling within a certain time.) Before long we should have sufficient midwives, which is the most essential necessity of the day with respect to maternity and child welfare work. More midwives would mean more breast-fed infants, the number of whom is declin- ing, I am sure, and more midwives, one would hope, would show a declining maternal death-rate in the future years. What experience a well-trained midwife possesses after prac- tising for a time! What a valuable and welcome health visitor she would prove to a mother !—I am, Sir, &c.,