The great cities, in order of population, are headed by
Bir- mingham with 919,438 people. Liverpool comes next with 803,118. Menchester is third with 730,551, but the adjacent town of Salford, which is virtually part of Manchester, has 234,150. Sheffield is fourth with 490,724, followed by Leeds with 458,320, and Bristol with 377,061. Seventh on the list, excluding London, is West Ham, with 300,905 inhabi- tants. Few of us realize the size of the new municipali- ties which fringe London County. West Ham is only the largest of a group including Willesden (165,669), Tottenham (146,695), East Ham (143,304), Luton (128,432), and Walthanrstew (127,441), which are among the forty chief centres of population in England. Hull (287,013), Bradford (285,979), Newcastle (274,955), and Nottingham ,262,658) follow West Ham, and complete the list of cities with over a quarter of a million people.