27 AUGUST 1921, Page 3

The preliminary Census returns for England and Wales, issued on

Tuesday night, give the population as 37,885,242, showing an increase of 1,814,750 since 1911. Scotland has 4,882,288, so that the total for Great Britain is 42,767,530, or 1,936,134 more than in 1911. The percentage increase of 4.7 is the lowest recorded since the Census was instituted. The figures for the separate countries are as follows :-

Males. Females. Total.

England 16,981,087 18,694,443 35,678,530 Wales 1,096.133 1,108,579 2,206,712 Scotland .. 2,3.48,403 2,533,885 4,882,288 'England shows an increase of 1,633,240, or 4.8 per cent., Wales an increase of 181,510, or 9 per cent., and Scotland an increase of only 121,384, or 2.5 per cent. The terrible toll of war, which cost us over 600,000 men, goes far to explain the figures.