On Thursday the President visited Windsor in the morning, went
to the Horse Show in the afternoon, attended a banquet at the Foreign Office in the evening, and ended up with a State Ball at Buckingham Palace. On Friday M. Poincare returned to France. The President is a strong man, but we sincerely trust that the pace was not made too hot for him during his visit. In every other way the visit has been most successful. The reality and the permanence of the Entente have been strongly emphasized and endorsed by popular approval. Yet at the same time there has not been the slightest suggestion of menace to any other Power. Leagues nominally of peace have often proved leagues of war, but that the Triple Entente is a league of peace in deed as well as in word cannot be gainsaid. The Government as a whole, and in a special degree Sir Edward Grey, deserve the thanks of the nation for the steady way in which they have maintained and improved our relations with France and Russia.