Some Cookery Books.
English Cookery Books to the Year 1850. By Arnold Whitaker Oxford, M.A., M.D. (Henry Frowde. 5s. net.)—This is a catalogue of cookery books, beginning with one published in......
The Hobby Books. Edited By A. Williams. (t. Nelson And
Sons. ls. per voL)—The volumes dealing with Pets, Needlework, and Woodwork are typical of this useful series, each of which is a thoroughly practical little handbook, fully......
On Hazardous Service.
On Hazardous Service. By William Gilmore Beymer. (Harper and Brothers. 7s. 6d. net.)—Addressed primarily, if not exclu- sively, to American readers, Mr. Beymer's tales of true......
Republican France, 1870-1912.
Republican France, 1870-1912. By Le Petit Homme Rouge. (Holden and Hardingliam. 12s. 6d.)—In spite of storms and scandals—and at no time have these been lacking—the Third......
Dame Fashion, 1786 To 1912.
Dame Fashion, 1786 to 1912. By Julius M. Price. (Sampson Low, Marston and Co. .£3 3s. net.)—Those who desire to study pictures of female fashions from 1825 to 1875 could hardly......
The Romance Of Amadis Of Gaul.
The Romance of Amadis of Gaul. By Henry Thomas. (Blades, East, and Blades.)—This is a learned and scholarly paper reprinted from the Bibliographical Society's Transactions. It......