The Hobby Books. Edited By A. Williams. (t. Nelson And
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Vital Lies. By Vernon Lee. 2 Vols. (john Lane. 10s.
net.) —Taking her title from a passage in The Wild Duck, where Ibsen scoffs at the misconceptions of truth which lead on the one hand to needless revelations and on the other to......
Biographical Register Of Christ's College. Compiled By...
2 vols. (Cambridge University Press. £2 net.) —The work which was begun by Dr. Peile has been completed by Mr. J. A. Venn. The two volumes cover the whole period of the......
Studies In Foreign Education. By Cloudesley Brereton....
and Co. 5s. net.)—The greater part of this volume is occupied by a reprint of Mr. Brereton's special report to the Board of Education upon " A Comparison between French and......