"' No, I Have No Fears For Lloyd George's Future.
Besides, he wasn't speculating at all; he was investing for keeps. He said so.' `If he meant it for a permanent investment,' said the Tory, he sold out rather soon—a couple of......
A Small Boy Said To His Mother, "my Soldiers Were
awfully smashed in the last battle and looked dreadful. But it's alt right now. I put one away and changed the places of almost all the others when I put them up. Now they look......
People Are Very Much Mistaken If They Imagine That Because
the lords of the manor are now practically powerless to enclose, or indeed may be said to have given up the desire to enclose, the commons are safe and can be left to look after......
Mr. Chamberlain, In Moving An Amendment Protesting...
as a gross infringement of the ancient prerogative and liberties of the House, vigorously con- demned the suppression of free speech and the degradation of a great assembly. Mr.......
The Air Is Full Of Rumours As To Cabinet Changes.
A sort of "General Post" is indeed contemplated if we are to believe the gossip of the London correspondents. Mr. Burns, though it is notorious that he has managed the affairs......
On Monday The Prime Minister Moved His Drastic Proposals For
facilitating progress in Committee of the Home Rule, Welsh Church, and Scottish Temperance Bills. For Bills which come under that Act Committee stages in the ordinary sense......
We Regret To Say That Our Effort To Raise The
£1,000 re- quired by the Commons Preservation Society has not met with the support which we hoped for. Not half the money desired has yet been obtained. We trust, then, that we......
We Desire To Associate Ourselves With The Protest Made In
a leading article in Friday's Times against the most unfair and most prejudicial attempts which have been made to exhibit Mr. Winston Churchill in an unfavourable light because......
Punch Has Never Shown A More Noteworthy Example Of Its
happy knack of focussing "the better opinion" of the nation on some important issue than in its current number. In the Epilogue to the hundred and forty-fourth volume, entitled......
The Public Learned With Interest By Paragraphs In The Papers
on Friday that on the 20th of this month the Prince of Wales paid a visit to the Royal Flying Corps at Farn- borough and was taken up for half an hour's cruise in the 'Beta' by......
Bank Rate,41per Cent.,changed From 5 Per Cent. April 17th...
(2i) were on Friday 73—Friday week 73.......
Other Rumours Declare That Sir Rufus Isaacs Is To Be
made Lord Chief Justice, Lord Alverstone's resignation being daily expected. This is clearly ill-founded gossip. After all that has happened no Prime Minister could possibly......