Current Literature.
MUSIC ON THE SHAKESPEAREAN STAGE. Music on the Shakespearean Stage. By G. H. Cowlin g . (Cambrid g e University Press. 4s. net.)—The share taken by music in the Elizabethan......
Paul The First Of Russia.*
THE Emperor Paul I. of Russia, *ho was born in 1754 and assassinated in 1801, is one of the strangest characters—and this is saying a good deal—who ever sat upon the throne of......
An Admiral Of The White.*
ENGLAND can never know too much of that giant band of seamen who served under Nelson, and when the particular hero has the further advantages of being, like Sir Charles Tyler as......
The Stane Street.
The Stane Street : a Monograph. By Hilaire Belloc. Illustrated by William Hyde. (Constable and Co. 7s. 6d. net.)—The Stane Street is the Roman road runnin g from London by way......