" Wellingtoniana."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'] SIR,—Lady Mornington said to Reinagle one day, "I cannot make anything of Arthur at his lessons." The old painter looked keenly at the boy—"......
John Bright.
[To THE' EDITOR OF THE "spxoreava.”1 Sra,—I had the good fortune to hear one of John Bright's greatest speeches, on November 5th, 1868, in the Edinburgh' Corn Exchange, and I......
Wild Bird Preservation.
[To THE _EDITOR OP THE "Srtcreioa."1 Sin,—While quite agreeing with your article on the above subject—for I think it is a most interesting thing to Watch birds with a powerful......
The Psalter.
[To TEE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —All who join in the evening service to-day will be, or shOuld be, saddened by the recitation in a Christian church of the terrible......
Briton Versus Britisher.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sra;—Are Mr. E. L. Oliver and other of-your correspondents so ashamed of the old name of Briton that they must substi- tute for it the......
The Churchmen's Union Report. [to The Editor 07 The "
SPECTATOR-1 . SIR,—I think that upon most matters ecclesiastical we are sufficiently near the position of the Spectator to beg the favour of your noticing the subjoined......
[to Ter Editor Of Ter " Spectator"] Sir, — Speaking From...
not perhaps very wide but gained both on the Continent and at home, I ant most forcibly struck at the prevalence of the belief (especially among Russian, Austrian, and South......