The " Star " On Mr. Balfour.
[To THE EDITOR 07 THE " SFECTATOR."] Sin,—On June 20th the Star contained a leader upon the Marconi division of the night before. It began by stating that if Mr. Balfour had......
Redistribution Before Home Rule.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—The admirable letter from Major Morrison-Bell on the above subject in your issue of the 31st ult. has hardly received the attention it......
What Ireland Really Thinks Of Home Rule.
[To THE EDITOR 01 THE "SPECTATOR."' Sin,—You may care to reprint the enclosed leaflet, which is based on an actual experience. It is important, I think, to emphasize in every......
Word Of Honour And Debt Of Honour,
[TO THE EDITOE OF THE "SPECTATOR...] SIR, —I don't know that " admirable " is the word which I should choose to describe your articles on the Marconi dis- closures, but at all......
Organized Hypocrisy.
[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—As one who as strenuously objects to hypocrisy as you yourself, indeed while thinking that betting and drinking are both evil, yet......