28 JUNE 1913, Page 35


[Cheques sbonld be addressed to the Spectator,1 Wellington Street, Strand, London, W.C., and made payable to the Spectator and crowed " Barclay and Commons Preservation Account," or and Co., Gosling's Branch, 19 Fleet Spectator Commons Preservation Ace Co., Gosling's Branch, paid direct to Barclay Street, London, S.C., mint.]

Donation. Subscription.

s. d. s. d.

PREVIOUSLY ACKNOWLEDGED 477 3 0 76 3 6 Rt. Hon. J. F. Cheetham 30 0 0

Lord Viscount Knutsford, G.C.M.G. 15 0 0

Rt. Hon. Chas. Booth ... 10 0 0 5 0 0 H. N. Gladstone 10 0 0

H. A. Wix 5 5 0 1 1 0 Rt. Hon. Henry Hobhouso 5 5 0

Conrad Wilkinson 5 5 0

Sir Walter Murton, C.B. 5 0 0 1 1 0 Miss M. C. Albright 5 0 0 1 0 0 F. J. Hayes ... 5 0 0

10 6 Lord Stanmore — — — 5 0 0 Lord Armitstead 5 0 0

Alfred Brown ... 5 0 0

Professor E. C. Clark 5 0 0

E. J. Horniman... 5 0 0

Wm. Simpson ... 5 0 0

H. Thompson ... 2 2 0 1 1 0 Mrs. Martineau 2 2 0

10 6 Sir John H. Barran, M.P. — — — 2 2 0 Lord Kinnaird 2 2 0

John Paterson 2 2 0

W. W. Drew ... 2 0 0

Travers Buxton... — —

1 1 0 H. M. Gray ...

— — 1 1 0 J. Grover

1 1 0 Gordon Somervell

— — —

1 1 0 Walter Bagehot 1 1 0

George Page Cawthorn 1 1 0

Rev. Gerald S. Davies ... 1 1 0

H. A. Evans ... 1 1 0

F. L. Latham ... 1 1 0

Colonel J. F. Lewis 1

0 0

R. C. Fisher ...

— — —

10 6 H. F. Walker

10 6

H. E. Thompson

— — —

10 0 George Myers ...

10 0

Miss Sara Morley

6 0

2 6