3 APRIL 1926, Page 2

It seems likely that the war in Morocco will break

out again within a few days. We fancy that the prospects of peace would be better if Spain were in a more accom- modating mood. . The unwillingness to get out of an expensive undertaking is much more evident in Spain than in France. It may be true that Abd-el-Krim has been badly shaken and that the Franco-Spanish Allies are justified in their confidence that they can make a satisfactory military end this summer. But even after that admission there are so many doubtful points left over that it would seem to be much more politic for France to eliminate the speculative elements, to refrain from standing on a punctilio, and to agree to an honourable peace. ' The French Resident General in Moroceo, M. Steeg, is now in Paris. We shall shortly know more about the situation, as he will no doubt tell the Govern- ment what happened in his recent conversations in Morocco with the Spanish representatives.
