3 APRIL 1926, page 3

* * The Inland Cash On Delivery Parcel Service Began

on Monday, and though it was not used as much as might have been expected, it is satisfactory to record the arrangements as . a whole worked smoothly. The small agricultural......

The Due D'orl6ans Died In Sicily Last Sunday. He Was

well known in this country, where he lived for many years after the Comte de Paris had to' find a home for himself and his family outside France and settled in England. He lost......

The Trial Of The Murderers Of Signor Matteotti Two Years

after the crime has offered a scathing comment on Fascismo. Making all allowances for the familiar differ- ences between our trials and those in Latin countries, We are appalled......

The Advertisements . Regulation Act Of Last Year Raised...

the amenities of the countryside. It seemed to give the County Councils powers to restrain the obtrusion of vulgar and ugly sign's:" The natural way for them to act and to......

The Attack Upon Peking By The Combined Forcei' Of Wu

Pei-fu and Chang Tso-lin has not yet' developed: The Time,s correspondent says that skirmishing hai occurred at several points within twenty miles of Peking, and he thinks that......

Italy Is Celebrating The Seventh Anniversary Of The...

the Fasci from whom Fascism° has developed into one of the important movements of the world. In some respects we can .add our congratulations to those which the Fascisti and......

The Boat Race Last Saturday Was Remarkable For An...

even struggle over about half the course, and then for an unprecedented collapse in the Oxford boat. No. 5 in the Oxford boat " cracked," so that for several strokes he was......

A Letter Appeared In The Press Last Week, Signed By

Mr. Baldwin, Mr. Ramsay MacDonald, Lord Oxford and Mr. Thomas Hardy, appealing for funds to build a Shake- speare Theatre at Stratford-on-Avon in the place of the one tragically......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 4 Per Cent.,

on December 3rd, 1925. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Monday 101* ; on Wednesday week 101* ; a year ago 101 tr. Fund. ing Loan (4 per cent.) was on Monday 861 ; on Wednesday week......